the yellow color is a wonderful compliment to the green/silver combo... not only does it look like the dessert with the diagonal lines, but it seconds as a placecard for the guest... yay, two birds with one stone!
succulent favors found on once wed

old-fashioned candy table and cute jars with your favorite candies
from your childhood, candies in your wedding colors,
or confections from a local candy company
found on the planned to perfection blog

i love this idea for outdoor or beach weddings!
i went searching for sunscreen wipes last night at target,
but they didn't have them... but ulta does!
found on martha stewart weddings

i think any gift that grows after given is an awesome reflection
of your blooming relationship...
and check out the cute stitching on the glassine bag. love!
found on martha stewart weddings

this matchbook packaging is perfect for little seeds.
its like magic...
you think its matches and its really "love in bloom" inside... haha
i think the four different colored books make the favor even better.
found on martha stewart weddings
its thursday and only a couple days away from the big day!
can't wait! oxox